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BNR President makes presentation to “MY TIME YOUNG CARERS”


On Tuesday 7th May at the Bournemouth North Rotary Members meeting, President Matthew Moore was delighted to present a cheque for £400.00 to guest Callie Johnson of My Time Young carers.

The money donated was from a collection made at Christmas at the TESCO Store in Kinson and Donna Lemon, the Community Organiser at the Kinson Store was also there to give her support.

Callie, who is head of Fundraising at “MY TIME” then gave a short talk to BNR Members about the great work that they do in the Dorset area and explained how…

“MYTIME Young Carers is fighting to level the playing field for young carers. Young carers have been hidden in society for too long, with the vast majority juggling a huge amount of responsibility unsupported. At MYTIME we recognise and celebrate the incredible young people who do so much to support those that they care for. We believe that young carers should have access to the support, the friendships, and the opportunities every child deserves”.

President Matthew Moore presents a £400 cheque cheque to Callie Johnson of MY TIME together with Donna Lemon from TESCO Store, Kinson




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